

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Hi Again,

Just sharing a post that I made on Facebook last week.

What is Intuitive Painting?

Cast your minds back to when you first went to Kindy or Primary School. We were all given paper and paint to create out masterpieces. Our Mums and Dads would pin them on the fridge to show them off.
Everyone in the class was treated equally as far as their creativity was concerned. My eldest son actually went through a phase of painting everything black. I was convinced there was something wrong.. but his wise teacher told me that indeed it was normal and lots of little boys go through the black stage. He was painting intuitively..what he wanted to express. No one was there to tell him it was wrong ( except his silly Mum )

Through our early primary school years we were encouraged to express ourselves with out artworks. But as we got older, and definitely once we hit secondary school, rules started to take over. Paint between the lines, you can't draw, you aren't creative!  Between misguided teachers and our own self doubts and egos we stopped our creative endeavours. More structured schooling began to take over. No more painting, no more creating. There were some of us that did follow the creative path and build careers around it, but the majority of people went in other directions.

Now what I believe is that everyone is creative! We were born that way. Some find other ways than painting to channel their creativity, but some just believe they can't and never give themselves the chance.

Intuitive Painting is a way of going back to that little Child we were in Kindy. With that blank canvas and no expectations. There are no mistakes, there is no control. If you end up hating it, just gesso over the painting and start again. Play, spatter, flick, scrape and spray! Watch the colour drip through each other and create beautiful iridescence.

If you appreciate art and colour, then you can create your own painting. Whether or not you end up hanging it or just using it therapeutically.

You will be doing that little Child inside you a big favour!

I am running an Intuitive/mixed media Workshop in seven weeks. Why not come along and have a play? With no rules or expectations! You do not need to have picked up a paint brush in years.

Details are

Intuitive/Mixed media Workshop
Sat 9th and Sun 10th November
Stables Art Room Mornington
Cost $230 Deposit $50

For more info please visit my web page 

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